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USA imposes new tariff to golf carts exported from China


After almost half-year's investigation, U.S. Department of Commerce announced its Preliminary Affirmative Determination in the Antidumping Duty Investigation of Low-Speed Personal Transportation Vehicles from the People’s Republic of China on Jan.24th, as per the announcement, most of the companies will be charged 248.19% extra tariff. In last December, DOC announced its preliminary affirmative determination in the countervalling duty(CVD) investigation, and most of the companies were charged 22.04% extra trariff. In this case, for most of the companies from China, if exporting golf carts to USA, 288.23% tariff will be charged, which makes exporting golf carts from China to USA impossible. And we believe that will cause golf cart selling price increasing in USA. This is lose-lose result.

Suzhou Lexsong, as one of the first company in China provides 72V golf carts, will continue its effort to sell its golf carts to USA. 

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